Sunday, February 15, 2009

why I'm in cabo

this is another sunday night special - cause I'm in a chicago hotel and I'm flying to mexico in the morning. After preaching this morning (great time with all you Eastviewers) Sara and I set out for a hotel near Ohare. Every year we head to a warm place in February to hang out with other sr. pastors of mega-churches. We talk, laugh together, share resources, ideas, establish friendships and ignite older ones. I'm always inspired, but the most incredible part of it all is just being able to hang out with guys who do what you do. We mostly talk a way that only guys who do this job can. And it's refreshing. Yes, we'll eat (which is worship as I said in this morning's sermon) but it's the deep understanding of each other that will strengthen our ministries for the year to come. Keep tuned in...I'll try to updated throughout the week. Oh yeah, one more thing...I love palm trees.

1 comment:

David Coyne said...

Enjoy the sun! I know it's tough, but I am glad you are MAN enough to handle the travel and grueling time relaxing!!!!

See you in May!