Monday, July 19, 2010


Well, it's that time of year for Sara and I to head out for a little vacation. I travel a lot so some of you may think I vacation a lot, but most of my travels involve me in ministry roles one way or another (even if it's in a cool location). But starting this Thursday, I'm on vacation and I'm going to try like everything not to check e-mails, blog (don't bother looking the next two mondays), worry about my job, etc... This is really a spiritual discipline for me that I try to practice. Over the next couple of weeks I want to simply be Mike, child of God. This is the heart of the Sabbath rest that God originally created. I want to forget schedules, long-term plans, and alarm clocks long enough to be completely aware of God's presence in the smallest bits of every day. Often you have to completely disengage from all your stuff to make this happen. So, I'm taking my wife (the most important relationship in my life next to God) and some books and I'm going to be out. I hope you miss me. I know I'll miss you, but I hope I don't think about you too much. I want to spend the next two weeks staring at the endless Sea, watching birds in flight, napping in the afternoon shade, eating some great food, laughing with my best friend, having some great impromptu conversations with my God and hearing his voice in the Word. So I'll be out. I'll let you know how it went when I get back.

1 comment:

Melis said...

Have fun! Don't think about any of us to much and I will be praying for you and Sara to enjoy each other and be blessed w\God's presence as you relax and enjoy his creation all around you. Thank you so much for being you a: a man of God driven my the Holy Spirit. I shared yesterday w\my Mom who is lost and I prayed her heart be softened at least a little and it was, a little. We are so fortunate to have you, enjoy your time just being Mike, child of God. :) Love you lots!