Monday, August 8, 2011

Big Pansy

Well, it's that time of year where most of us are beginning the transition from summer's hectic pace to fall's hectic pace. Soon, kids will be back in school and vacations will end and we'll get a routing going until the holidays. Personally, I like these transitions and Sara and I are getting ready to transition Caleb (our 20 year old- in about a month) back to Knoxville TN for his second year of college, but it's another transition in his life that makes me smile and takes me back to my preaching roots.

Two weeks from Sunday, Caleb will begin a weekend preaching ministry in Mary Alice Kentucky. The best way to fan into flame your holy spirit gift is to use it (over and over and over). So Caleb like many preaching students (and like his dad almost exactly 26 years ago) is going to preach for a church in Kentucky that doesn't have a preacher. They pay him some money for his time, but the real benefit is the experience that just can't be taught. If they are anything like my first church (Mt. Victory Christian Church, Mt. Victory KY) they will feed him well, encourage him lots, endure so-so sermons, and teach him how to preach to real people (unlike the sermons they preach in labs at Bible College). It is a's scary and it's holy and I'm very proud of this kid and how he has responded to God's calling on his life. Oh...the name of the church? Pansy Christian Church. Can't make this one up. In two weeks, they'll have a 6'5", 215 pound rookie preacher - big pansy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons why I love to listen to you on Sundays and why I read this blog is because you make me laugh. Another one of your gifts that I am thankful for. I will pray that this experience will be wonderful & joyful for your son & not too nerve wracking, it would be wonderful to hear him at eastview someday. Blessings to you always.
Lorraine A.