Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Sermon (the day before)

Last night I maintained a Good Friday tradition by watching "The Passion of Christ". Sara and I were given to tears (again) at the brutal treatment that the movie clearly (and vividly) portrays that our Lord went through. Why did he do it? Someone had to pay and God loved us just that much! It was inspiring.

This morning I was in Champaign for the Illinois Marathon - my legs are toast and I maintained my usual marathon tradition by swearing I'd never run another one again (more on this on Monday)! But here I am in my church office getting ready to vocally go through my sermon. I read it on the car ride over this morning and had lots of time to think about it and pray about it. At this point, I'm ready. My heart wants to share what God has laid on it. What am I praying for tonight as I roam the sanctuary? 1. That I'll not get in the way of His message. 2. That I'll honor and uphold his Holy Word. 3. That the Holy Spirit will empower the non-eloquent words that come out of my mouth. 4. that the Word of God would fall on fertile hearts and minds and ears. 5. That one non-believer may come to know Jesus.

I love Saturday evenings at the church. It's kinda like the calm before the storm. I'm anticipating a glorious day in the Lord tomorrow. Hope you go to church somewhere and celebrate the greatest thing that ever happened. Jesus lives!


Joe said...

Mike, I did go to church today! Great day worshiping the risen Lord in West Lafayette, Indiana.

I also ran the Illinois Marathon with you on Saturday! Fun day, eh?? I just blogged on the race. I can't believe you preached the next day, though. My voice is always toast after a marathon.

Bless you for your service to Christ and His Kingdom!

Unknown said...

Mike, just want you to know that Larry and I keep you and everyone else involved at Eastview in our daily prayers. God has seen to it that we are blessed to have you and we appreciate all that you do. Have a great week.